Prof. Sergio Ricci - DAER PoliMI

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Main research grants

Prof. Ricci was Principal Investigator for the following research projects of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale (POLIMI-DIA):

  • EU-FP7(JTI) Project “GLAMOUR - Gust Load Alleviation techniques assessment on wind tUnnel MOdel of advanced Regional aircraft (2014-2016)”, Lead, in cooperation with IBK (Germany), REVOIND (Italy), TECHNION (Israel) and UBRIS (UK).
  • “KITEGEN WINGS & POWER - Ali per la generazione elettrica e trasmissione di potenza alla rete tramite la tecnologia KITEGEN®. Progetto di ricerca e sviluppo di soluzioni efficienti di interfaccia tra il vento di alta quota, la tecnologia di generazione KITEGEN® e la rete elettrica (2013-2015)”, in collaborazione con Sequoia Automation S.rl., cofinanziato dalla Regione Piemonte.
  • EU-FP7 Project “NOVEMOR - NOVel AIR VEhicle configurations: from fluttering wings to MORphing flight (2011-2014)”, in cooperation with Istituto Superior Tecnico (Portugal), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), DLR (Germany), CSIR (South Africa), EMBRAER (Brasil), University of Liverpool (United Kingdom).
  • EU-FP7 Project “SARISTU - Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures (2011-2015)”, in cooperation with 65 participants coordinated by Airbus Germany.
  • EU-FP7(JTI) Project “AWAHL - Advanced Wing And High-Lift Design (2011-2012)”, in cooperation with FOI (Sweden) and ASCO (Belgium)
  • EU-FP7 Project “FFAST - Future Fast Aeroelastic Simulation Technologies (2010-2013)”, in cooperation with UNIVBRIS (United Kingdom), INRIA (France), CSIR (South Africa), Technical University of Delft (Netherland), DLR (Germany), IRIAS (Russia), University of Liverpool (United Kingdom), NUMECA (Belgium), Optimad (Italy), Airbus-UK (United Kingdom), EADS (Germany), IITP (Russia)
  • DIA-AWPARC: “IDHEAL - IDentification of HElicopter cAbin vibration Levels” (funded by AgustaWestland - 2011-2012)
  • ESF-EUROCORES Initiative S3T: SMART AIRCRAFT MORPHING TECHNOLOGIES (SMORPH) 2007-2009- EP/E017452/1, in cooperation with Istituto Superior Tecnico (Portugal) and University of Liverpool (United Kingdom).
  • EU-FP6 Project “SimSAC - Simulating Aircraft Stability And Control Characteristics for Use in Conceptual Design (2008-2011)”, in cooperation with KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), AleniaAeronautica(Italy), Bristol University (United Kingdom), CERFACS (France), CFS (Switzerland), Dassault Aviation (France), DLR (Germany), EADS-D (Germany), FOI (Sweden), Glasgow University (United Kingdom), J2 Aircraft Solutions (United Kingdom), ONERA (France), Saab Aerosystems (Sweden), TsAGI (Russia), VZLU (CZ), Warzav University of Technology (Poland).
  • EU-FP5 Project “3AS - Active Aeroelastic Aircraft Structures (2005-2007)”, in cooperation with KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), AleniaAeronautica(Italy), DLR (Germany), EADS-D (Germany), University of Manchester (United Kingdom), ONERA (France), Saab Aerosystems (Sweden), TsAGI (Russia), VZLU (CZ), Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), INTA (Spain), CIRA (Italy), GAMESA (Spain), EADS-CASA (Spain), SAAB (Sweden).
  • HEXAPOD Mechanical Assembly Modal Survey Test Specification (funded by Carlo Gavazzi Space - 2004)