Politecnico di Milano

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale

Aerospace Engineering Dept.



Lorenzo Trainelli’s research

Teoria delle rotazioni e del moto rigido

Theory of rotation and rigid motion




l Parameterization of rotation


l Representation and parameterization of rigid motion


l Geometric integration of structural and multibody systems



Parameterization of rotation


In many engineering applications one faces problems characterized by an independent rotation field associated to the customary displacement field.

Rotations can be formalized as elements in a nonlinear space (the 3D special orthogonal group), for which a suitable parametrization must be given.

Research in this field has led to the formulation of a very general family of parametrizations, known as 'vectorial parametrizations’, which encompasses several techniques adopted in the literature (exponential, Cayley-Gibbs-Rodrigues, Wiener-Milenkovich, Euler-Rodrigues, etc.).

I contributed in this work originated by prof. O.A. Bauchau at GaTech.

For a detailed account on this topic, see this paper:


O.A. Bauchau, L. Trainelli

The Vectorial Parameterization of Rotation

Nonlinear Dynamics, submitted (2002).

* Download: Abstract



Representation and parameterization of rigid motion


The theory of rotation finds a natural extension in the theory of rigid motion, where rotation is coupled with translation.

All of the important results obtained in the theory of rotation have an analogue in the theory of rigid motion, which can be represented in many ways: for example, by vectors and tensors in a 4 or 6-dimensional space, and by 3-D ‘dual’ vectors and tensors.

This implies the possibility of describing a general rigid motion by a ‘global’ parameterization, that inherently couples translations and rotations.

I contributed in this work originated by prof. M. Borri at the Politecnico di Milano.

For a complete presentation, see this paper:


M. Borri, L. Trainelli, C.L. Bottasso

On representations and Parameterizations of Motion

Multibody System Dynamics, 4: 123-193 (2000).

* Download: Abstract


As a natural consequence, the vectorial parameterization concept developed for rotation (see above) can be extended to rigid motion, as shown on detail in this report:


L. Trainelli

The Vectorial Parameterization of Rotation and Motion

scientific report DIA-SR 02-18, Politecnico di Milano, 2002.

* Download: PDF preprint


Subsequent work has extended all the well-known non-vectorial parameterizations of rotation (such as Euler-type angles, quaternions, etc.) to rigid motion.

This is the subject of the following works:


L. Trainelli

An Attempt at a Systematic Framework for the Parameterization of Rotation and Rigid Motion

WCCM VI - APCOM'04, Beijing, China, September 5-10, 2004.

* Download: PDF presentation


L. Trainelli

On the Parameterization of Rotation and Rigid Motion: A Comprehensive Picture

XVII Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Roma, Italy, September 15-19, 2003.

* Download: Extended abstract



Geometric integration of structural and multibody systems


The approach described above for the formulation of kinematics naturally couples with a 6-dimensional fixed-pole formulation of the equations of motion.

This consistes in taking a fixed placement as the pole of reduction of torques, and in the subsequent casting of the governing equations (force and torque balance eqs.) in compact 6-dimensional format.

The framework established in this way reveals convenient for geometric time and space integration, i.e., a numerical procedure that preserves, at the discrete level, important qualitative properties of the exact solution that are typically lost with conventional procedures.

Among these properties we find:



objectivity, i.e., frame-indifference


conservation of the law of transport of torques


conservation of linear and angular momenta


conservation of total mechanical energy


Properties (1) and (2) imply a twofold invariance: on the one hand, the numerical solution is indifferent to the choice of the absolute reference frame (both axes and origin); on the other hand, it is indifferent with respect to the choice of the material reference entity (a material point and a vector triad for a rigid body, an oriented line for a beam, an oriented surface for a shell).

Properties (3) and (4) are detailed on the pages devoted to structural and multibody dynamics and to numerical integration algorithms.

The working group on this topic comprises prof. M. Borri, prof. C.L. Bottasso and myself.


These papers focus on the formulation for rigid bodies, beams, and complex flexible multibody systems:


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

An Invariant-Preserving Approach to Robust Finite-Element Multibody Simulation

Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 83 (10): 663-676 (2003).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

A Novel Momentum-Preserving/Energy-Decaying Algorithm for Finite-Element Multibody Procedures

Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 9: 315-340 (2002).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

Integration of Elastic Multibody Systems by Invariant Conserving/Dissipating Algorithms

Part I : Formulation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190: 3669-3699 (2001).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

Integration of Elastic Multibody Systems by Invariant Conserving/Dissipating Algorithms

Part II : Numerical Schemes and Applications

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190 (29/30): 3701-3733 (2001).

* Download: Abstract


This work specifically addresses the objectivity issue:


C.L. Bottasso, M. Borri, L. Trainelli

Geometric Invariance

Computational Mechanics, 29: 163-169 (2002).

* Download: Abstract





Last updated 27/09/2006.