Politecnico di Milano

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale

Aerospace Engineering Dept.



Lorenzo Trainelli’s research

Algoritmi d’integrazione numerica per ODE e DAE

ODE and DAE numerical integration algorithms




l Optimal conditioning of high index DAEs


l Consistent index reduction of high index DAEs


l Robust integration of structural and multibody systems



Optimal conditioning of high index DAEs


Differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) arise in many engineering applications, such as multibody dynamics.

These equations are often difficult to solve for small values of the time step size, basically due to the effects of finite precision arithmetics.

In fact, truncation errors and non-null convergence tolerances give rise to perturbations in the numerical solution, with disastrous effects for state variables (displacement and velocities) and particularly for Lagrange multipliers.

Tipically, this results in accuracy order degradation and difficulties in convergence.

Possible solutions are:



index reduction, from 3 to 2 or 1


appropriate scaling of the linearized system


A strikingly simple preconditioning recipe in the context of approach (2) has been found through a novel analysis of the effects of finite precision arithmetics.

By this procedure, we achieve full time step independence for the perturbations of both state variables and Lagrange multipliers.

The potential of this methodology has been demonstrated for a vast class of commonly used numerical integrators.

I contributed in this work originated by prof. C.L. Bottasso.

This methodology is detailed in the following works:


C.L. Bottasso, D. Dopico, L. Trainelli

On the Optimal Scaling of Index Three DAEs in Multibody Dynamics

ECCM 2006 - III European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-9, 2006.

* Download: PDF preprint


L. Trainelli, C.L. Bottasso

Optimal Scaling of High Index DAEs

NumDiff 11 – 11th Seminar on Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations, Halle, Germany, September 4-8, 2006.

* Download: PDF presentation



Consistent index reduction procedures of high index DAEs


Constrained mechanical systems are naturally formulated by index-2 or index-3 differential-algebraic equations (DAEs), depending on the type of constraints (nonholonomic or holonomic).

The direct integration of these equations is prone to severe numerical difficulties, and specialized integrators have been devised in the last two decades.

These integrators (e.g. BDF) employ strong dissipation to overcome the instability inherent to the way the governing equations are formulated and discretized.

We developed the 'Embedded Projection Method' (EPM), a reformulation of the governing equations in a form that inherently avoids most of the difficulties connected with high-index DAEs.

This procedure can be shown to be a consistent index reduction from arbitrarily high values to one, implying that constraints are simultanously preserved at all relevant levels (position, velocity and acceleration), yielding improved accuracy and stabilty.

As a consequence, the need of specialized DAE integrators is by-passed and, in principle, more gentle (e.g. conservative) integrators can be employed.

I contributed in this work originated by prof. M. Borri.

The EPM formulation is detailed in the following papers:


M. Borri, L. Trainelli, A. Croce

The Embedded Projection Method:

A General Index Reduction Procedure for Constrained System Dynamics

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (50-51): 6974-6992 (2006).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, L. Trainelli

Evident Constraints and Hidden Constraints:

The Quality of the Numerical Solution in Multibody Dynamics

Workshop on Multibody System Dynamics, Paestum, Italy, April 27-28, 2006.

* Download: PDF presentation



Robust integration of structural and multibody dynamics


The solution of problems governed by highly nonlinear and numerically stiff differential equations, such as those often encountered in structural and multibody dynamics, imposes severe requirements on numerical integration algorithms in terms of their stability.

It is well known that the integrators that are commonly used in structural dynamics (e.g. Newmark-family and generalized-a methods) are endowed only with linear notions of stability, and therefore do not guarantee a good behavior in the nonlinear regime.


In order to overcome these difficulties, we developed a family of time integration algorithms that feature nonlinear unconditional stability together with controlled dissipation of high-frequency components in the response.

Unconditional stability is obtained by a rigorous energy bound at the discrete level: energy preserving (EP) methods guarantee the conservation of the total mechanical energy, while energy decaying (ED) methods enforce a controlled decay of the same quantity.

The following paper focuses on the fundamental time discretization scheme, also in relation to other energy-controlling methods appeared later:


C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

An Attempt at the Classification of Energy Decaying Schemes for Structural and Multibody Dynamics

Multibody System Dynamics, 12 (2): 173-185 (2004).

* Download: Abstract / PDF preprint


In this scheme, the spectral radius can be varied continuously between 1 (EP) and 0 (asymptotic annihilation), and accuracy performances improve considerably with respect to the generalized-a methods with the same value of the spectral radius.

Since EP methods are unable to prevent undue energy transfers from low to high modes, resulting in possible numerical instabilities, we advocate the correct use of ED methods when dealing with nonlinear, highly stiff problems.

The following papers describe different versions of the EP and ED algorithms:


O.A. Bauchau, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

Robust Integration Schemes for Flexible Multibody Systems

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 192 (3/4): 395-420 (2003).

* Download: Abstract / PDF preprint


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

A Novel Momentum-Preserving/Energy-Decaying Algorithm for Finite-Element Multibody Procedures

Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 9: 315-340 (2002).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

Integration of Elastic Multibody Systems by Invariant Conserving/Dissipating Algorithms

Part I : Formulation

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190: 3669-3699 (2001).

* Download: Abstract


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

Integration of Elastic Multibody Systems by Invariant Conserving/Dissipating Algorithms

Part II : Numerical Schemes and Applications

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190 (29/30): 3701-3733 (2001).

* Download: Abstract


These works show some representative applications of the methodologies described to realistic problems in modern rotorcraft system dynamics (sponsor: AgustaWestland) and wind turbine generator dynamics (sponsor: Leitner):


C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, B. Savini, W. Sirchi, L. Trainelli

Aeroelastic Modeling and Control of Wind Turbine Generators Using Finite Element Multibody Procedures

ECCOMAS Thematic Conference “Multibody Dynamics 2005”, Madrid, Spain, June 21-24, 2005.

* Download: PDF preprint


C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli, P. Abdel-Nour, G. Labò

Tilt Rotor Analysis and Design Using Finite-Element Multibody Dynamics

presented at the 28th European Rotorcraft Forum, Bristol (UK), Sept. 2002.

* Download: PDF presentation


C.L. Bottasso, O.A. Bauchau, L. Trainelli

On the Modeling of Rotorcraft Systems Using Finite-Element Multibody Dynamics

presented at the 16th AIDAA Congress, Palermo (Italy), Sept. 2001.

* Download: Abstract


Also, we developed a formulation of the equations of motion and their space-time discretization to achieve nonconventional geometric integration properties, such as



objectivity, i.e., frame-indifference


conservation of the law of transport of torques


conservation of linear and angular momenta


conservation of total mechanical energy


These results are obtained by resorting to the fixed-pole formulation of the equations of motion, together with special parameterization techniques for rigid motion.

Properties (1) and (2) are detailed on the pages devoted to rotation theory, while property (4) is clearly related to the unconditional stability formulation described above.

To the authors’ knowledge, property (3) has never been achieved before with respect to arbitrary multibody systems, and contributes to a ‘gentler’ numerical treatment of highly nonlinear, stiff challenging problems.

The following paper deals particularly with these geometrical integration aspects:


M. Borri, C.L. Bottasso, L. Trainelli

An Invariant-Preserving Approach to Robust Finite-Element Multibody Simulation

Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 83 (10): 663-676 (2003).

* Download: Abstract


This body of work originates at the Politecnico di Milano with profs. M. Borri and C.L. Bottasso in the early ‘90s, and considerable interaction with prof. O.A. Bauchau at GaTech must be mentioned.




Last updated 19/09/2006.