Finite rotation library

This file implements the functions that allows to deal with finite rotations tensors in dolfin.

First of all, import dolfin

from dolfin import *

import ufl
# and immediately after that all the constants that allows compute
# the scalar coefficients involved in the closed form of the rotation
# formulae.
# The file is documented here: :doc:``
# ::

import RotCoef

At this point we need to define some convenience functions:

  • Axial vector of a second-order tensor:

    given the second order tensor \(\boldsymbol{T}\) returns its axial vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\) such that \(\boldsymbol{v} \times = \frac{1}{2}(\boldsymbol{T} - \boldsymbol{T}^\mathrm{T})\).

    Note that, since the input is a second-order tensor, and the output must be vector, the components \(T_{i,j}\) of tensor \(\boldsymbol{T}\) are extracted with T[i, j], and vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\) is built using the function as_vector

def axial(Tensor):
    return as_vector([
        (Tensor[1, 2] - Tensor[2, 1])*0.5,
        (Tensor[2, 0] - Tensor[0, 2])*0.5,
        (Tensor[0, 1] - Tensor[1, 0])*0.5])
  • Symmetric part of a second-order tensor:

    compute the symmetric part \(\boldsymbol{S}\) of tensor \(\boldsymbol{T}\) : \(\boldsymbol{S} = \frac{1}{2}(\boldsymbol{T} +\boldsymbol{T}^\mathrm{T})\)

def symm(Tensor):
    return (Tensor + Tensor.T) * 0.5
  • Skew-symmetrice tensor:

    given vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\) returns the skew-symmetric tensor \(\boldsymbol{v}\times\).

    Here, since the argument is a vector and the returned entity is a function, the tensor is built using the function as_tensor, whith the components \(v_i\) of vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\) extracted as V[i]

def crossTensor(V):
    return as_tensor([
        [0.0, V[2], -V[1]],
        [-V[2],  0.0, V[0]],
        [V[1],-V[0], 0.0]])
  • Norm ov vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\):

    given vector \(\boldsymbol{v}\) returns \(||\boldsymbol{v}||=\sqrt{\boldsymbol{v}\boldsymbol{v}}\)

def vnorm(V):
    return sqrt(dot(V, V))
  • Helper function:

    computes the Maclaurin expansion of coefficient idx

def coef_pow_expansion(idx, phi2):
    coef = 0.;
    for i in range(RotCoef.SerExpTrunc[idx]-1, -1, -1):
        coef = coef * phi2 + RotCoef.SerExpCoeffs[idx][i]
    return coef
  • Helper functions:

    compute the the coefficient \(a=\frac{\sin(\varphi)}{\varphi}\), \(b=\frac{1-\cos(\varphi)}{\varphi^2}\), \(c=\frac{1-\sin(\varphi)/\varphi}{\varphi}\) where \(\varphi=||\boldsymbol{\varphi}||\);

    Since their expression is ill-defined for \(\varphi\rightarrow 0\) the coefficients are computed using their Maclaurin expansion for \(\varphi^2<\overline{\varphi}^2\), where the threshold \(\overline{\varphi}^2\) is stored into RotCoef.SerExpThrsh.

    The use of the UFL conditional expression allows to propagate the conditional evaluation down to the form expression, thus selecting at run-time the correct expression, either the Maclaurin expansion or the trigonometric one.

def coefa(phi2):
    return conditional(le(phi2, RotCoef.SerExpThrsh[0]),
                       coef_pow_expansion(0, phi2),

def coefb(phi2):
    return conditional(le(phi2, RotCoef.SerExpThrsh[1]),
                       coef_pow_expansion(1, phi2),

def coefc(phi2):
    return conditional(le(phi2, RotCoef.SerExpThrsh[2]),
                       coef_pow_expansion(2, phi2),
  • Rotation tensor:

    given vector \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\) returns the othogonal tensor \(\boldsymbol{\varPhi}\in\mathrm{SO}(3)\)

    \(\boldsymbol{\varPhi}=\exp(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times)= \boldsymbol{I} + a(\varphi)\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times + b(\varphi)\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times\).

def RotTensor(phi):
    PhiCross = crossTensor(phi)
    phi2 = dot(phi, phi)
    a = coefa(phi2)
    b = coefb(phi2)
    return Identity(3) + PhiCross * a + dot(PhiCross, PhiCross) * b
  • Rotation differential tensor:

    Given vector \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\) returns the othogonal tensor \(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\) such that \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_\delta\times= \delta\boldsymbol{\varPhi}\boldsymbol{\varPhi}^{\mathrm{T}}=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\delta \boldsymbol{\varphi}\)

    \(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}=\mathrm{dexp}(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times) = \boldsymbol{I}+b(\varphi)\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times+c(\varphi)\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times\).

def RotDiffTensor(phi):
    PhiCross = crossTensor(phi)
    phi2 = dot(phi, phi)
    b = coefb(phi2)
    c = coefc(phi2)
    return Identity(3) + PhiCross * b + dot(PhiCross, PhiCross) * c
  • A compiled expression:

    it changes the rotation vector into its complementary whenever its modulus is greater than \(\pi\).

    The expression dimension is equal to 6:

    unwrap_phi() : Expression(6):

    the first three components should hold the displacement vector, the last three components the rotation vector. A

    std::shared_ptr<Function> phi_function

    public variable stores a pointer to the Function storing the unknowns of the problem, with three position components followed by the three rotation components that should be eventually changed into their complementary.

    Finally, the eval method returns the result computed at position x.

    The value of Function phi_function at position x must first be computed:

    • the local Array phi, with length equal to 6, is declared; it will be used to store the values computed by phi_function:

      Array<double> phi(6);

    • the FunctionSpace pointer of function phi_function is retrieved using the function_space() method. From it, the mesh pointer retrieved by using the mesh() method;

    • a Cell is built from the mesh knowing the index ufc.cell_index of the cell where the Expression needs to be evaluated:

      phi_function->eval(phi, x, dolfin_cell_phi, ufc_cell);

    • evaluate (eval) the Function phi_function at position x, and store the result into the Array<double> phi(6) variable:

      phi_function->eval(phi, x, dolfin_cell_phi, ufc_cell);

    It is now possible to store into the return vector values the unchanged three position components, followed by the components of the rotation vector; the latter are left unchanged if the their modulus is less than \(\pi\), otherwise are changed into the complementary rotation vector.

    The complete expression code follows:

cppcode_unwrap_phi = """

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>

#include <dolfin/mesh/Cell.h>
#include <dolfin/function/FunctionSpace.h>
#include <dolfin/function/Function.h>
#include <dolfin/function/Expression.h>

namespace dolfin {

class unwrap_phi : public Expression {

    unwrap_phi() : Expression(6) {}

    std::shared_ptr<Function> phi_function;

    void eval(Array<double>& values, const Array<double>& x, const ufc::cell& ufc_cell) const {
        Array<double> phi(6);
        constexpr double pi = std::acos(-1);
        Cell dolfin_cell_phi(*phi_function->function_space()->mesh(), ufc_cell.index);

        phi_function->eval(phi, x, dolfin_cell_phi, ufc_cell);
        double phi_norm = std::sqrt(phi[3] * phi[3] + phi[4] * phi[4] + phi[5] * phi[5]);

        if (phi_norm > pi) {
            constexpr double pi2 = 2. * std::acos(-1);
            const double c = 1. - pi2 / phi_norm;
            values[0] = phi[0];
            values[1] = phi[1];
            values[2] = phi[2];
            values[3] = phi[3] * c;
            values[4] = phi[4] * c;
            values[5] = phi[5] * c;
        } else {
            values[0] = phi[0];
            values[1] = phi[1];
            values[2] = phi[2];
            values[3] = phi[3];
            values[4] = phi[4];
            values[5] = phi[5];

    pybind11::class_<dolfin::unwrap_phi, std::shared_ptr<dolfin::unwrap_phi>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "unwrap_phi")
    .def_readwrite("phi_function", &dolfin::unwrap_phi::phi_function)

  • Rotation vector:

    given the othogonal tensor \(\boldsymbol{\varPhi}\in\mathrm{SO}(3)\) returns the rotation vector \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\) such that \(\exp(\boldsymbol{\varphi}\times)=\boldsymbol{\varPhi}\) This method is not used in the code, and is provided for completeness. It makes heavy use of conditionals.

def RotVector(PHI):
    CosPhi = (tr(PHI)-1.0)*0.5
    def CosPhi1():
        V = axial(PHI)
        SinPhi = vnorm(V)
        b = ufl.atan_2(SinPhi, CosPhi)
        a = coefa(b*b)
        V = V / a
        return V
    def CosPhi2():
        T = (symm(PHI) - Identity(3) * CosPhi) / (1. - CosPhi)
        V = conditional( ufl.And(ge(T[0, 0], T[1, 1]), ge(T[0, 0], T[2, 2])),
            as_vector(T[:, 0] / sqrt(T[0, 0])),
            conditional(ge(T[1, 1], T[2, 2]),
                as_vector(T[:, 1] / sqrt(T[1, 1])),
                as_vector(T[:, 2] / sqrt(T[2, 2])),
        SinPhi = tr(dot(crossTensor(V), PHI)) * (-0.5)
        V = V * ufl.atan_2(SinPhi, CosPhi)
        return V
    V = conditional(gt(CosPhi, 0.), CosPhi1(), CosPhi2())
    return V