MBDyn home page

MBDyn sources

mbdyn.tar.gz latest stable source tarball (1.2.6; 2006-02-01)
The other tarballs are provided for historical reasons; users are strongly encouraged to update to the latest unless there are specific reasons to use older versions.

mbdyn-1.2.0-planej.patch fix revolute joint relative rotation element private data (problem noted by Roger Polston).
mbdyn-1.2.1-chaco.patch add support for Chaco partitioning library to be used with the Schur parallel solver (eXperimental; needs Chaco with this patch)
mbdyn-1.2.6-schurdataman.patch Fix compilation with --enable-schur
mbdyn-1.2.6-rodwithoffset.patch Fix rod with offset Jacobian matrix

mbdyn-1.1.4-f2c.h-2.patch avoid symbol clashing in 1.1.4 when f2c.h is present
mbdyn-1.1.4-cygwin.patch workaround isfinite() definition in Cygwin; fix conditional improper use of yet undefined macro.

MBDyn Betas

mbdyn-1.2-Beta.4.tar.gz 1.2 Beta release
More recent Betas are available from the main web site

MBDyn snapshots for Windows

These are intended to allow Windows users to use MBDyn at their own risk. No support is provided with respect issues related to installation, usage or any other OS-related problem.
Snapshots marked with a date (YYYY-mm-dd) refer to HEAD code as indicated by the date; others refer to the indicated release.
mbdyn-2003-08-11.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll, tcl84.dll and cygltdl-3.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2003-12-12.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll, tcl84.dll, cygcrypt-0.dll and cygltdl-3.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2003-12-16.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2004-01-28.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2004-02-23.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2004-06-23.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2004-08-16.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-1.2-Beta.2.exe 1.2 Beta 2 binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-1.2-Beta.4.exe 1.2 Beta 4 binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-1.2.1.exe 1.2.1 for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-1.2.4.exe 1.2.4 for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-2005-11-13.exe snapshot binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-1.2.6.exe 1.2.6 for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn.exe latest (1.2.6) binary for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-cygwin-2008-03-27.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk; needs cygwin1.dll and cygltdl-3.dll from cygwin)
mbdyn-msys-2008-03-27.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)
mbdyn-msys-1.3.4-Beta.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)
mbdyn-msys-2008-11-10.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)
mbdyn-msys-2009-11-01.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)
mbdyn-msys-2010-10-29.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)
mbdyn-mingw-2011-11-22.exe shapshot for Windows 2000/XP (use at own risk)

MBDyn related patches

meschach-2-mbdyn.diff historical
meschach-4-mbdyn.tar.gz historical
metis-namespace-cleanup.patch (still required by MBDyn)
umfpack-4.1-nosyscalls.patch add umfpack_tic_enable() and umfpack_tic_disable() to allow enabling/disabling of times() sys call; sys calls need be disabled when running real-time under RTAI.
Submitted to Umfpack Developers on June 5, 2003; awaiting review.
NOTE: the patch was updated December 5, 2003.
NOTE: Umfpack since 4.3 (partially) fixes the problem by disallowing timing when compiled with -DNO_TIMER.
chaco-2.2-lib.patch allow Chaco to be built as library (provided by Walter Landry <wlandry at ucsd.edu>)


liby12.tar.gz (by permission from the Author)
dos2unix.exe (needed by Windows snapshots compiled with msys, which seem to dislike dos-terminated lines)